Buffered video, slow download speeds, even in areas that guarantee speed are also the nemesis of web pages. However, this may soon become a thing of the past. The researchers created a network that can download files in as little as 0.03 milliseconds. Advanced technology, using fiber optics and seven different cores, transmits data at speeds up to 255 megabits per second. This is 2,550 times faster than the single-core commercial network currently available with a maximum speed of 100 gigabits per second. This breakthrough was achieved by researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Florida.
Their new fiber has seven different cores, rather than a single core, and is currently used in the state-of-the-art fiber optic network. The researchers also introduced two other so-called "vertical dimensions" that are equivalent to driving three cars in one lane. By combining these methods, the network breaks through 255 terabits per second. However, these speeds are the maximums achieved in the test. To achieve this speed in the real world means upgrading routers, devices and websites to meet additional requirements.

Solid Electric Heat Storage Boiler

Solid Electric Heat Storage Boiler

Solid electric heat storage boiler using the night cheaper valley electricity, solar energy or wind generated electricity, storage heat into the solid materials and release heat at anytime for heating .The boiler can connect 380V,10KV or 35KV high voltage power.
Small volume
Lower operating costs
Save investment of transformer

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Solid electric heat storage boiler

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